July 19th, 2008: Wouldn't it be great if you could just update all of your sites at once when you put you something into your calendar? Oh, well. This page, my own creation from scratch, has been neglected for a long time. I even forgot to put my second international conference talk into the calendar - it's there now for the historical record: A talk at the CMMR 2008 conference in Copenhagen on the aspect of my PhD project that has to do with modeling coordination problems in a music ensemble.
Otherwise I have been busy teaching logic to the first year students of philosophy in Odense. I also had about 38 of them for oral examination which was a very eye opening experience. I have also been busy editing JMM6, which went online on June 30th at www.musicandmeaning.net. Notice how you are now lead directly to the new issue where you previously had to click on "Issues" before anything happened. I like it. Thank you Mikael Aktor.
So, what is next? I will be going to Amsterdam for 5 months to study at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Universitet Amsterdam starting September 16. Before that I am off to Argentina for two weeks with the University of Southern Denmark Symphony Orchestra. Otherwise I might try to actually take som time off during summer, although the concept is slightly foreign to me.
Peace, love and strawberries.
March 30th, 2008: Finally a bit more of an update... Two arrangements have been added to the calendar: One on April 2nd in Esbjerg, where I will help promote the research program on the integration of music informatics, performance and aesthetics that I am a part of. Another on April 26th, where I will give a very short address at the 5th symposium of the Danish Society for Music Research. Otherwise I am very busy at the moment teaching logic to first year philosophy students at SDU, trying to get a tighter grasp of my PhD project, preparing the next issue(s) of JMM, taking violin lessons again (thank you Maja) and planning my next semester where I will quite probably go abroad. I will let you know when I have more information.
March 7th, 2008: It is a sign of how busy I have been that I have not had time to update the site until now. Two extra arrangements now appear in the calendar - one of them is tommorow at 10 AM at SDU, room U100, where I will be talking about parts of my PhD project. I will be updating the calendar again soon, as I have an action-packed term I must definitely share with you!
October 31st, 2007: The calendar has been updated with new arrangements. On Friday I will be giving a talk in Danish on Monty Python and their use of self-reference at the annual conference on Philosophy and Popular Culture at SDU; next week I will be giving a talk at a deontic logic workshop in Roskilde, and I will also be stationed as a journalist at the first Progpower Scandinavia festival on November 9th-10th.
Make sure that you check out www.ntsmb.dk and www.myspace.com/ntsmb - we have an international conference coming up November 16th-17th at SDU, Esbjerg. The theme is Music and Sound in Public Space. Registration for meals and coffee on November 5th, 2007 the latest.
And also, check out the brand new issue of The Journal of Music and Meaning, JMM5! In addition to being my first issue "from scratch" as a Managing Editor, the issue also includes my review of the anthology Metallica and Philosophy: A Crash Course in Brain Surgery.
July 1st, 2007: It just occured to me that some of my more frequent visiters might like to know that I have been granted a Ph.D. scholarship at the Institute for Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions at the University of Southern Denmark. I will begin my further education in August 2007 at the very same place. So, more hard work ahead - but I am looking forward to it!
May 22nd 2007: First, a delayed thank you to the small, but enthusiastic crowd that attended the logic seminar on April 17th, where I gave a talk on the concept of Common Knowledge as an introduction to the field of Epistemic Logic.
Secondly, the important news is that JMM4 is now online! Go to www.musicandmeaning.net to review this exciting issue. It feels good at last to have something published in my present era of Managing Editor.
Next, those of you who are able to drop by Esbjerg on May 25 or May 26 ought to see if you could fit in one of the interesting presentations given at the 12th National Meeting of NTSMB, Musikalsk betydning i improvisation og performance (a conference about the various ways in which musical meaning appears in improvisation and performance). The meeting is held at The Academy of Music and Music Communication (Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium). You can find out more about the meeting at www.ntsmb.dk
Lastly, I would like to thank my listeners at Live365 for tuning into my radio station. I had no idea that my audience would grow this fast. I do my best to keep the playlist alive with new (or at least different) material in between my other duties. Random Thoughts has gone from a mere experiment to a small pet project for me. It is a bit like a virtual living room where you can play music to a wide array of guests whenever they feel like dropping by. Oh, the possibilities of the Internet :)
February 22nd 2007: As an experiment prior to my talk at the annual meeting of the Danish Philosophical Society on March 2nd (see below), I have launched a radio station at the Live365-network. It is called Random Thoughts. To hear it you will have to be a Live365 member, but registration is free (unless you want to listen ad-free). Just click the link to learn more.
February 7th 2007: Well, too late for any season's greetings, but here is a short sign of life. The calendar has been updated with more exact information on my lecture in April at the logic seminar in Odense. Also, I have a spot at the annual meeting of the Danish Philosophical Society in Roskilde, March 2nd (the meeting continues on March 3rd). I will be talking about how independent Internet radio stations may help destroying the top-down structure in traditional broadcasting that generates what is widely known as pop music (in the sense of being a body of recognisable songs). Check the calendar for further details.
Otherwise, I continue working on all the other things mentioned below. Keep dropping by!
November 19th 2006: And now for a richer update... In backwards chronological order let me begin by thanking all who attended the NTSMB conference "Music and Sound in Public Space" in Esbjerg this weekend. We had a very good time with several very interesting presentations, a lot of cosy networking and way too much food ;)
My talk at the conference on Philosophy and Popular Culture on my birthday (November 3rd) went well. The audience laughed in the intended places (and a few unintended). The theme of my presentation was, for those who missed this, Milos Forman's film Man on the Moon and the interpretation it gives of Andy Kaufman's work as a comedian. I plan an article on the same subject for publication here and other places eventually.
Since November 6th (so much for the backwards chronological order) I have been working freelance at TV2 (one of the Danish national TV stations) where I check the technical quality of taped programs. For the time being it is a good job, slightly hard work but fun. As I jokingly answer, when people ask me what I do for a living, I am watching television and listening to music (the unpaid heavymetal.dk job)!
We should be getting JMM4 out very, very soon. Before you know it, just when you were giving up all hope, it will suddenly be there (at www.musicandmeaning.net). Keep checking this page and the one just mentioned. While you are waiting, take a look at something official which is very cool. Unfortunately the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication did not grant us any money for this research program but as you can tell (if you read Danish), we'll continue our work all the same, now with the blueprint of the involved institutions. 'Til next time - Cheers, Søren
November 8th 2006: The original deadline for registration for meals and coffee at the conference "Music and Sound in Public Space" has passed. BUT: WE HAVE A NEW DEADLINE ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH! So in other words, hurry up and get to Esbjerg on Friday the 17th. (The conference talks are free - so if you live in the area you probably don't have to worry about food and coffee, unless you want to mingle with the 'proper' guests in the evening...)
October 10th 2006: Just for fun I have set up a small unofficial site for the 11th National Meeting of NTSMB (Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning) which has the theme "Music and Sound in Public Space". The conference takes place November 17th-18th at SDU Esbjerg and... Well, look for yourself. The unofficial MASIPS site
October 2nd 2006: I now have an official time and place for my presentation about Milos Forman's Man on the Moon at the conference on Philosophy and Popular Culture on November 3rd. See the calendar for details and / or download the conference program here.
September 24th 2006: Whoa! Hold your horses everyone... An update! And a really large one as well! The main idea has been to 'internationalize' my homepage so I will be able to use it with my foreign research contacts and other English speaking people as well. The layout is - as always - in progress. I just got tired of the old images so I threw in an old drawing of mine and toyed with it in Photoshop. But that aside, a lot of things have been happening lately:
I have been appointed the new managing editor of JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning (www.musicandmeaning.net). The much delayed 4th issue is on its way - we should have it finished in October. Immediately after that we will start working on JMM5.
One of my old wishes has come true: I now review (mainly progressive) metal albums at heavymetal.dk - it is voluntary except that I get to keep the CDs but it is great fun and challenging too.
It looks like I will be doing some practical work for the Danish National TV-station, TV2 starting this fall. I will keep you posted when I know more. For now it will suffice to say I will be paid to watch television...
There are also some new upcoming events in the calendar - just to mention the two most current: 1) I will be giving a talk on Milos Forman's movie Man on the Moon at the conference "Filosofi og populærkultur" (Philosophy and Popular Culture) which will take place on my birthday, November 3rd, at SDU, Odense. 2) We have a new NTSMB-meeting coming up November 17th-18th - in Esbjerg, for a change! The meeting is one of our largest so far and is entitled "Musik og lyd i det offentlige rum / Music and Sound in Public Space"). More information will follow very, very soon.
Oh yes, and for anyone who cares, my sister has urged med to join MySpace. I haven't found the time to decorate my site as nicely as hers but as soon as I get some time off to go really nerdy, I will.
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